Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Sister

You and I shared laughter and pain throughout the years. You have been there for me all this time quietly but in so many important ways. Hearing my story, you say, "Your happiness is my happiness. I understand what makes you happy because we share the same values and similar experiences and because I trust you." I treasure your words and gentle smile that have supported me, and I love the special playfulness that you only seem to reveal around me. I only wish you had been a little bit better student of English...

At the Narita Airport on the day I left Japan in 1984. You hardly spoke that day.

At Yokohama's "Minato no Mieru Oka Koen" (Hilltop Park Overlooking the Port) exactly one month after my departure.

In a high school hallway with one of her students, 1993.

From my summer Japan trip 2010. Off to work from her apartment, my favorite place to stay.

More pictures to come...

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