Saturday, February 12, 2011

恩師へ贈る俳句 (Haiku for a Great Former Teacher)

Ozawa Ayano Sensei, my modern dance teacher, still teaching in her studio, heard from me after a 33-year absence. It was 9 a.m. her time, 4 p.m. my time yesterday when I called her. Despite her appointment with two students, she happened to be in her Kamakura home due to a cold. She remembered me, my mother, and my personality and cried for joy with me.

She e-mailed me to say that my call was a present for her "koki," a Japanese milestone celebration. She has just turned 70 years old. How honored I am to participate. She spoke with the same exuberant voice and spirit, which has influenced me all those years.

A chapter of my life finally seems to have closed as I took care of unfinished business, giving a sense of starting a new chapter.

I wrote this haiku, dreaming of our meeting here or in Japan.


toki wo koe (overcoming time)
onshi ni okuru (Sent to my former teacher)
koki iwai (her 70th birthday present)


Linnea said...

Very sweet haiku! She must have been so surprised to hear from, you'll have to show me some of those modern dance moves one day!

Chako-chan said...

Yes, she was! We need another opportunity to dance together like we did last summer. I'm glad to hear from you. Cold and wet over there? Having fun?