Sunday, February 8, 2009

What, No Shortcakes?

According to a Japanese article, the name "strawberry shortcake" is believed to originate from "shortening," one of the ingredients. Japanese shortcakes are believed to come from the butter cake which was available in early 20th-century America and was decorated with sweetened fruit and whipped cream.

Rin'emon Fujii, the founder of the bakery "Fujiya," brought back to Japan the American shortcake and adjusted it to the Japanese taste. After his return from America, in 1922, he introduced the initial shortcake with strawberries, whipped cream, and sponge cake. The article also states that when most Japanese think of cake, they think of strawberry shortcakes first.

I agree. Once when my sister and I went to a cake shop, we had the clear image of strawberry shortcakes in our minds. When we went up to the counter and saw everything except strawberry shortcakes, together we said, "No strawberry shortcake? For what does this bakery exist?" (and laughed). We bought some other cake--I don't remember which--got our coffee, and enjoyed our time together.

Here is the haiku that captures our mood at that moment.

Strawberry shortcakes sold out
Did the earth just shake?

Here is a picture of Strawberry Shortcake


Linnea said...

That's a sweet story and I love your haiku. Hope your Valentine's Day was fun, too!

Chako-chan said...

I'm glad you enjoyed my story and haiku. Thank you!